Bringing Light to the Community

Nestled in the picturesque mountains, Kibongkog is a truly enchanting place to reside. Its breathtaking landscapes and the warm, accommodating nature of its people make it a special haven. However, tragedy struck when the community became a refuge for armed individuals, shattering their peace and hope. Many lives were lost in the struggle to protect their homeland, as they were forced to endure nearly two decades of hardship, with a significant portion of their earnings being claimed as revolutionary tax.

In the midst of this turmoil, a glimmer of hope emerged when dedicated missionaries sacrificed their lives to reach out to this embattled community. The light of God began to shine upon them, and they were blessed, favored, and embraced by the Lord. As a result, churches flourished, numerous outreach initiatives were established, and they now have access to an audio Bible translation in their native language.

However, reaching the main road from Kibongkog takes a taxing three-hour journey, and the trip to the market consumes at least an hour and a half. Transportation of essential supplies becomes even more challenging during the rainy season, as the roads become treacherously muddy. Each weekend, the exegetes and some of the checkers embark on a gruelling journey to procure supplies for the week and seek out internet connections for reporting. For the Tigwahanun people, sourcing clean drinking water is risky, as they rely solely on the river, leading to various health issues.

During the monsoon season, roads become treacherously muddy.

During the checking process of a Bible translation project done by Wycliffe Philippines in the Tigwahanon community, both church leaders and Mother Tongue Translators (MTTs) displayed unwavering enthusiasm. Some arrived at the venue before 7:00 am, despite the arduous hour-long walk, referring to it as their daily exercise. They were eager to complete as many books as possible and often skipped breaks to do so. Even when they experienced headaches, they pressed on, aware that their hard work would yield fruit and save lives.

Church leaders and Mother Tongue Translators (MTTs) take an hour long walk known as their daily exercise to reach their Bible translation work.

Emotions ran high during morning devotions as they shared the challenges they faced, from mounting bills to personal struggles causing confusion about where to focus their efforts. Nevertheless, they remained thankful for the words of encouragement they received that day, finding comfort and strength in the belief that God would provide.

A picturesque view of the Tagwahanon community.

During the translation checking process, one of the checkers had to be rushed to the hospital due to bleeding. We couldn't help but feel sympathy for her situation, especially since her husband was absent, occupied with earning income to meet their needs. Fortunately, she recovered and attended church services the following Sunday. Despite the remaining books to be checked, we took a moment to savor the experience and reflect on the spiritual guidance provided by the Holy Spirit. Our collective prayer is that each of us will grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus and continue to serve those in need in our community.

Source: Tigwahanon Community
Reported by: Limuel Ombol