Our Stories

The people who serve within the Wycliffe community are a tapestry of dedication and passion, each thread woven with a unique story. Our volunteers, linguists, translators, and support teams share a common mission: to make God's Word accessible to all. From linguists who immerse themselves in remote communities to translators who painstakingly bring ancient texts to life in modern tongues, their stories are narratives of perseverance, cultural respect, and the power of faith.

The stories of our volunteers and team members are a testament to the profound impact of their work. They narrate experiences of building bridges between faith, language, and culture, and witnessing the spiritual growth and transformation that unfolds within communities. These stories are marked by humility, resilience, and a deep sense of purpose. They inspire others to join this transformative journey, where service becomes a powerful expression of faith and love.

Featured Story:

In the embrace of Renewed Faith:
The changed  life of Pastor Rubene Landilan

Meet Pastor Rubene Landilan, a dedicated community leader, and servant of the Lord. Hailing from Barangay Sagmone, Bayugan City, this 36-year-old is a testament to the power of redemption and the unwavering grace of God.

Our Stories

Meet the Dedicated Individuals and Volunteers Empowering Transformation.

  • From Headhunter to Soul Winner: A Transformative Journey of Faith

  • In the embrace of Renewed Faith: The changed life of Pastor Rubene Landilan

  • Bringing Light to the Community

  • Transformed and Dedicated to Helping Others

  • This is My Story: Jason Villamor

  • Episode 1 - Bantayan Island : A beautiful Island Without Its Own Bible

  • Episode 2 - The Challenges and Blessings of Pandemic

  • Episode 3 - The Journey in Translating the Bible

  • This is My Story: Jonathan Diklay

Will you say, “Yes”?

God is inviting all of us to participate in what He is doing through the work of Bible translation.